• Chongqing Tianci Hot Spring Resort

    Chognqing Tianci Hot Spring Resort, a national 3A tourist attraction, covers more than 82 acres, with plant landscaping and flower decoration as the main features. In the beautiful and unique garden, there are hot spring waterfalls and the mid-lake pavilion. Landscaping and diet with Jiangnan style make it more wonderful.Hot Spring: The water is natural carbonate hot spring with tens of thousands of years, originating from the depth of 3 kilometers from the center of the earth. The temperature of the water reaches up to 57℃. The spout height is more than 100 meters, and the water output is 1,800 cubic meters. The water is rich in kinds of minerals and trace elements metasilicate, metaborate, sulfide, radium, calcium, magnesium, strontium, selenium and fluorine, and etc. They are beneficial to human skin, cardiovascular system, teeth and skeletal system, digestive system and nervous system, etc.

    Ecological Hot Pot:Taking nature as the theme, Tianci focuses on green, ecology and health. The dishes of the ecological hot pot are almost organic food.

    Hotel:The hotel has the rooms of star hotels, with more classical decoration, more fancy layout and more silent environment. The beautiful surroundings makes the hotel more idyllic.

    Official Website:www.cqtcwq.com